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​蔡明田教授 Ming-Tien Tsai

​成大企業經營管理學苑 總監


美國哥倫比亞大學博士(Columbia University, NY, USA, 1/1981-5/1985)

美國聖若望大學碩士(St. John’s University, NY, USA, 9/1979-1/1981)



  1. 成大研究發展基金會 特聘研究員(2017~)

  2. 國立成功大學工學院 工程管理研究所 兼任教授(2003~)

  3. 私立大仁科技大學  智慧生活 暨 管理學院院長(7/2014~8/2016)

  4. 中國福建省武夷學院  商學院院長(3/2013~7/2014)

  5. 私立亞洲大學  講座教授兼管理學院院長(2/2011~2/2013)

  6. 國立成功大學企業管理研究所博士班  策略管理組召集人(8/2000~2/2011)

  7. 國立成功大學管理學院高階管理碩士專班(EMBA)    執行長(8/2005~7/2010)

  8. 國立成功大學管理學院商管碩士學程(AMBA)    執行長(8/2007~7/2010)

  9. 國立成功大學管理學院産學合作發展中心  執行長(8/2009~7/2010)

  10. 國立虎尾科技大學管理學院  特聘教授兼院長(8/2004 – 8/2005)

  11. 國立成功大學企業管理系管理教育推廣班  班主任(8/1995~7/2004)

  12. 國立成功大學企業管理系  系主任(8/1985~7/1991)

  13. 國立成功大學企業管理研究所  所長(8/1989へ7/1991)

  14. 國立成功大學企業管理系及研究所推廣教育委員會  召集人(8/1995~7/2004)

  15. 經濟部商業司服務業創新研發計劃(SIIR)   分組召集人

  16. 台南市地方産業創新研發推動計劃(地方型SBIR)   審查委員及訪視委員

  17. 考試院國家文官訓練所「知識經濟與管理」兼任講座

  18. 高等教育評鑒中心(教育部)  綜合大學系所評鑒委員及召集人

  19. 高等教育評鑒中心(教育部)  綜合大學校務評鑒委員

  20. 行政院教育部科技管理顧問室「SoC系統晶片營銷管理」課程主筆

  21. 行政院勞委會「營銷管理」兼任講座

  22. 台南市政府身心障礙者庇護工場庛護性就業服務計劃  審查委員

  23. 行政院人事行政局地方行政研習中心  兼任講座

  24. 行政院青輔會青年創業貸款審查委員會創業計劃  審查委員

  25. 行政院人事行政局「知識經濟與管理」兼任講座

  26. 臺灣評鑒中心(教育部)  科技大學系所評鑒委員及召集人

  27. 臺灣評鑒中心(教育部)  科技大學專業類院務評鑒委員

  28. 經濟部商業司協助服務業創新研究計劃(ASSTD)   分組召集人(2011)

  29. 教育部高教司數位學習認證審查委員會  審查委員(9/2006)

  30. 行政院新聞局駐紐約代辦處(NYC, USA)  幕僚(Staff) (1/1981 -5/1985)


  1. 東陽實業股份有限公司  獨立董事(2017~)

  2. 中華經濟貿易研究學會  秘書長(2/2011~2/2012)

  3. 上市公司富强興股份有限公司  薪資委員會委員(6/2012~6/2013)

  4. 上市公司新麗股份有限公司  董事(7/2007~6/2013)

  5. 上市公司萬國流通股份有限公司  外部獨立董事(6/2006~6/2009)

  6. 南光中學董事會(國營事業台糖股份有限公司)   董事(6/2006~6/2009)

  7. 企業經理人協會理事兼總幹事(8/2007~7/2010)

  8. 南部科學園區産學協會人力資源推廣委員會  委員

  9. 國立成功大學企業管理文教基金會  董事

  10. 成大企業管理協進會  名譽理事

  11. 生産力中心(經濟部委託)  協助服務業研究發展輔導計劃  審查委員

  12. 國立成功大學國際商業經濟學生會(AISEC)   指導教授

  13. 上市公司生達化學股份有限公司  公司策略規劃顧問

  14. 中華日報社  經營管理顧問(1999~2001)

  15. 美商General Instrument Taiwan, Ltd., Inventory Accounting Supervisor(8/1977 – 5/1978)

  16. 美商Union Carbide Formosa Corporation, Senior Financial Accounting Supervisor(5/1978 – 7/1979)


  1. 2013年獲IDSI-APDSI-Bali-Best paper award  Article entitled  ”An Empirical Examination of Corporate Citizenship in Taiwan”  presented in IDSI-APDSI Conference, Bali, Indonisia, 2013.

  2. 國際期刊著作”A Resource-Based Perspective on the Retention Strategies for Epidemiologists in Taiwan”Journal of Advanced Nursing, 61(2), 2008, pp.188-200,榮獲名列BioMedLib“Who is Publishing in My Domain?”,醫護管理領域全球頂尖前20期刊論文(Top 20 Articles),2008~2012連續排名第一,updated 9/12/2012.

  3. 100學年度國立成功大學管理學院研究優良教師獎(4/2012)

  4. 中華民國科技管理學會100年EMBA第一届論文徵稿比賽, EMBA導生林莉香榮獲【一般管理組】佳作(指導教授)

  5. 2011年獲The 42nd Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting(DSI), Award Competition Entry, Boston, MA, USA

  6. 國際期刊著作”A Resource-Based Perspective on the Retention Strategies for Epidemiologists in Taiwan”Journal of Advanced Nursing, 61(2), 2008, pp.188-200,榮獲名列BioMedLib“Who is Publishing in My Domain?”,醫護管理領域全球頂尖前10期刊論文(Top Ten Articles), 2008~2011連續排名第一, updated on June 29, 2011)

  7. 2011年獲推薦名列2012年 Marquis亞洲名人錄(Marquis Who’s Who in Asia 2012) Berkeley Heights, NJ., USA(2011)

  8. 2010年獲頒世界藝術、科學、傳播協會–終身成就獎(The World Congress of Arts, Sciences and Communications - Lifetime Achievement Award),International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England , hosted by International Congress of Arts and Communications in NYC, NY, USA,(2010)

  9. 2010年獲頒2010年二十一世紀2000名傑出知識學者獎(2000 Intellectuals of the 21st Century), Featuring the 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century Awards Programme, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England,(2010)

  10. 2009年獲推薦名列2009-2010年 Marquis醫護世界名人錄(Marquis Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare 7th Edition ) Marquis Who’s Who, New Providence, NJ., USA(2009)

  11. 2009 AIT English Business Writing Contest Award (美國在台協會商用英文寫作競賽獎–指導教授) (Winner: Chen, Yi-Liang, EMBA Student), (July 17, 2009)

  12. 2009年ERP學術及實務研討會,獲最佳論文獎(電子商務學報–TSSCI),中華企業資源規劃學會(2009)

  13. 2008年第五届跨領域管理學術與實務研討會,研發與科技管理應用實務組,最佳論文獎,(2008/4/26)

  14. 2008年天下雜誌Cheer獲選全國EMBA最受歡迎十位教師(12/2007)

  15. 2007年獲推薦名列2007年亞美名人錄(Asian-American Who’s Who), Rifacimento International(2007)

  16. 2007年天下雜誌Cheer獲選全國EMBA最受歡迎十位教師(12/2006)

  17. 2006年獲推薦名列2006年亞洲杰出成就名人錄(Asian Distinguished &Admirable Achievers), 2005-2006, 2nd Edition Biography Treasury Series,South-Asia(Intl.) Pub. Co. (2006)

  18. 2006年獲推薦名列2006年亞非名人錄(Afro-Asian Who’s Who), Rifacimento International(2006)

  19. 2006年天下雜誌Cheer獲選全國EMBA最受歡迎二十位教師(12/2005)

  20. 2005年,The Journal of American Academy of Business,最佳論文獎(The Best Author Award), (2005)

  21. 九十三年度國立虎尾科技大學研究優良特聘教授(2004)

  22. 九十二年度國立成功大學企業管理系(所) 研究優良教師獎(9/2003)

  23. 2003年臺灣經驗創新與創業管理個案研討會,論文金質獎,上海交通大學與大葉大學(3/2003)

  24. 九十一年度第十六届龍騰知識經濟論文獎–入文及管理類佳作獎(博士組),財團法人宏基基金會(指導教授) (10/2002)

  25. 九十年度管理評論(TSSCI)精技傑出論文獎–組織與策略類(3/2001)

  26. 九十年度全國管理碩士論文論獎–作業、研究發展與科技管理類,中華民國管理科學學會(指導教授)(7/2001)

  27. 八十九年度管理評論(TSSCI)龍邦傑出論文獎–組織與人力資源類(3/2000)

  28. 八十七年度第二届惠普杯全國各大學校院企業經營企劃獎–市場營銷企劃類(佳作),中華民國管理科學學會主辦(指導教授)(6/1998)

  29. 八十六年度第一届惠普杯(HP)全國各大學校院企業經營企劃獎–市場營銷企劃類(第三名),中華民國管理科學學會主辦(指導教授) (6/1997)

  30. 七十九年度國立成功大學全校論文比賽–管理組作品甲等獎,中國工程師學會主辦(指導教授) (5/1990)

  31. 美國Kappa Delta Pi 學會(Columbia University Chapter, USA), 榮譽會員(1983)


期刊論文(Journal Papers)

  1. Tsai, Huei-Ting, Hsin-Cheng Chang, & Ming-Tien Tsai, 2016, “Predicting repurchase intention for online clothing brands in Taiwan: quality disconfirmation, satisfaction, and corporate social responsibility”  Electronic Commerce Research, Publish online: 07 Nov. 2015 (SSCI Journal in Business, 2014 JCR) (國科會推薦資訊管理類核心國際期刋)

  2. Chuang, Shuang-Shii  , Kun-Shiang Chen , & Ming-Tien Tsai, 2015, “Exploring the antecedents that influence middle management employees' knowledge-sharing intentions in the context of total quality management implementations” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2015, Vol.26 (1-2), pp.108-122, Taylor & Francis (SSCI Journal in Business, 2014 JCR)

  3. Tsai, H.T., M.T. Tsai, & J.L. Chien, 2014, “The Influences of System Usability and User Satisfaction on Continued Internet Baking Services Usage Intention: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan” Electronic Commerce Research, vol.14(2),pp.137-169 (SSCI Journal in Business, 2012  JCR) (國科會推薦資訊管理類核心國際期刋)

  4. Wang, Chung-Jen, Huei-Ting Tsai, &Ming-Tien Tsai, 2014, “Linking Transformational Leadership and Employee Creativity in the Hospitality Industry: The Influences of Creative Role Identity, Creative Self-efficacy, and Job Complexity” Tourism Management , 40(2014)79-89,(SSCI Journal in Management, 2011 JCR) (國科會推薦核心國際期刋)

  5. Tsai, Ming-Tien, & W. H. Tung, 2012, “Corporate Governance, Resources, FDI Commitment and Firm Performance: Empirical Analyses of Taiwanese High-tech Firms” Chinese Management Studies, (SSCI Journal in Management, 2010 JCR) (Accepted & In-print)

  6. Tsai, Ming-Tien, & Chung-Jen Wang, 2012, “ Intellectual Capital and Enterprise Performance: An Empirical Study in Taiwanese High-Tech Industry” International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 23(2012), pp.241-256 (TSSCI Journal, Accepted & In-print)

  7. Chien, T.W, Y.T. Lin, C.H. Chang, M.T. Tsai, & Y. H. Uen, 2011, “Using a Bubble Chart to Enhance Adherence to Quality-of-Care Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Patients” European Journal of Cancer Care, (SCI Journal in Rehabilitation, 2010 JCR)(Accepted 26 Dec., 2011)(Doi:10.1111/i.1365-2354.2012.01334.x)

  8. Tsai, Ming-Tien, H.C. Chang, N. C. Cheng, & C.C. Lien, 2012, “Understanding IT Professionals’ Knowledge Sharing Intention through KMS: A Social Cognitive Prospect, Quality & Quantity, Doi:10.1007/s11135-012-9685-4, Published online: 03 Mar. 2012 (SSCI Journal in Social Science-Interdisciplinary, 2010 JCR)

  9. Cheng, Shu-Yun , Ming-Tien Tsai, Nai-Chang Cheng, & Kun Shiang Chen, 2012,"Predicting Intention to Purchase on Group Buying Website in Taiwan: Virtual Community, Critical Mass, and Risk" Online Information Review, Print Published: 21-Sep-2012, Vol:36, Iss:5 (SSCI Journal in Information Science & Library Science, 2010 JCR)

  10. Tsai, Ming-Tien & Kun Shiang Chen,2012,“Determinants of Medical Care Service Personal Knowledge Sharing Intention: An Empirical Study” Life Science Journal, 2012; 9(2), pp.678-780, (SCI Journal  2010 JCR)

  11. Huang, Chun-Chen, Ching-Sing You, &Ming-Tien Tsai, 2012, “The Relationship among Ethical Climate, Job satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Multidimensional - Analysis" Nursing Ethics, 19(4) pp.513-529, Doi: 10.1177/o96973.3011.43392-3 (SSCI Journal in Nursing, 2010 JCR)

  12. Tsai, Ming-Tien, Y.C. Huang, &R. Ma, 2011 “Exploitative Learning in Project Teams: The Effects of Cognitive Skills and Strategic Orientations” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, (SSCI Journal in Management, 2010 JCR)(Accepted & In-print)

  13. Tsai, Ming-Tien, L.M. Chaung, S.T. Chao,& H.P. Chang, 2011, “The Effects Assessment of Firm Environmental Strategy and Customer Environmental Conscious on Green Product Development” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Published online: 05 Aug. 2011(SCI Journal in Environmental Sciences, 2010 JCR)

  14. Tsai, Ming-Tien, &Nai-Chang Cheng, 2011, “Understanding Online Group Buying Intention: The Roles of Sense of Virtual Community and Technology Acception Factors” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol.22, No.10, pp.1091-1104 (SSCI Journal in Management, 2010 JCR)

  15. Tsai, Ming-Tien, Jui-Lin Chien, & Kun Shiang Chen, 2011 “The Factors Impact of Knowledge Sharing Intentions: The Theory of Reasoned Action Perspective.” Quality & Quantity, Published online: 16 Mar. 2011 (SSCI Journal in Social Science-Interdisciplinary, 2010 JCR)

  16. Chang, Han-Chao., Ming-Tien Tsai, Chung-Lin Tsai, 2011, “Complex Organizational Knowledge Structures for New Product Development Teams.” Knowledge-Based Systems,24(2011), pp.652-661 (SCI Journal in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, 2010)

  17. Tsai, Ming-Tien, &Nai-Chang Cheng, 2011, “Understanding Knowledge Sharing between IT Professionals – An Integration of Social Cognitive and Social Exchange Theory“ Behaviou r& Information Technology, Published online: TBIT_A_550320 (SSCI Journal in Ergonomics, 2010 JCR)

  18. Tsai, Ming-Tien, Chung-Lin Tsai, & Y.C. Wang, 2011,“A Study on the Relationship between Leadership style, Emotional Intelligence, self-Efficacy and Organizational Commitment : A Case Study of the Banking Industry in Taiwan.“ African Journal of Business Management,Vol.5(13), pp.5319-5329(SSCI Journal in Business, 2009 JCR)

  19. Tsai, Ming-Tien, Eldon Y. Li, Kuo-Wei Lee, Wen-Hui Tung, 2011, “Beyond ERP Implementation: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge Management on Business Performance” Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol.22, No.2, Feb. 2011, pp.131-144 (SSCI Journal in Management, 2010 JCR)

  20. Lee, Kuo-Wei., Ming-Tien Tsai, Corazon L. Lanting, 2010, “From Marketplace to Marketplace: Investigating the Consumer Switch to Online Banking” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10(2010)pp.15-125(SSCI Journal in Business, 2010 JCR)(國科會推薦資訊管理類核心期刋)

  21. Tsai, Ming-Tien, & Nai-Chang Cheng, 2010, “Programmer Perceptions of Knowledge-Sharing Behavior under Social Cognitive Theory” Expert Systems with Applications,2010(37)pp.8479-8485(SCI Journal in Operations Research & Management Science, 2010 JCR)

  22. Tsai, Ming-Tien, J.W. Chin, & C. C. Chen, 2010, “The Effect of Trust Belief and Salesperson’s Expertise, on Consumer’s Intention to the Purchase of Nutraceuticals:  An Application of the Reasoned Action Theory” Social Behavior and Personality, 2010, Vol.38. No.3, pp.273-287, (SSCI Journal in Psychology-Social, 2010 JCR)

  23. Tsai, Ming-Tien, & Chung-Lin Tsai, 2010, “Innovation Capability and Performance in Taiwanese Science Parks: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Industrial Clusters Fabric” International Journal of Organizational Innovation,Vol.2, No.4, Spring 2010, pp.80-103(EI)

  24. Tsai, Ming-Tien, C. C. Chen, & J.W. Chin, 2010, “Knowledge Works’ Interpersonal Skills and Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese High-Tech Industry Workers” Social Behavior and Personality, 2010, Vol.38(1), pp.115-126, (SSCI Journal in Psychology-Social, 2010 JCR)

  25. Tsai, Ming-Tien, & C. Tsai, 2010, “Innovation Capability and Performance in Taiwanese Science Parks: Exploring the moderating Effects of Industrial Clusters Fabric.” International Journal Organizational Innovation, 2(2010):80-103.(EI)

  26. Tsai, Ming-Tien, Chung-Lin Tsai, & Han-Chao Chang, 2010, “The Effect of Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Switching costs on Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study of Hypermarkets in Taiwan” vol. 38(6), pp. 729-740, Social Behavior and Personality, (SSCI Journal in Psychology-Social, 2010 JCR

  27. Tsai, Ming-Tien, MengKuan Lai, Ching-Liang Chen, 2009, “An Examination of New Product Development Strategy and Brand Equity Approaches for Retailers” International Journal of Services Technology and Management,(EI), Vol. 11, No. 4, pp.355-373doi:10.1504/ijstm.2009.024566

  28. Li, Y.H., Huang, J.W.,& M. T.Tsai , 2009,“Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: The role of knowledge creation process” Industrial Marketing Management, 38(4), 440-449(SSCI Journal in Business, 2010 JCR)

  29. Tsai, Ming-Tien, Yen-Chih Huang, and Rong Ma, 2009, “Antecedents and Consequences of Global Responsiveness: An Empirical Examination of MNCs in the Global Sourcing Context” International Business Review, 18(6), pp. 617-629,(SSCI Journal in Business, 2010 JCR)

  30. 李國瑋、蔡明田、莊立民、許惠雯,2009,”ERP導入後影響企業電子化成效因素之探計–系統維護與回饋之中介效果”電子商務學報,(TSSCI), 2009年6月,第十一卷,第二期, pp.367-391(2009年ERP學術及實務研討會,最佳論文獎)

  31. Tsai, Ming-Tien, S.S. Chuang, & W.P. Hsieh, 2009, “An Integrated Process Model of Communication Satisfaction and Organizational Outcomes: Psychological and Social Processes Perspective” Social Behavior and Personality, 37(6), pp.825-834, DOI:10.2224/sbp.2009.37.6.825, (SSCI Journal in Psychology-Social, 2010 JCR)

  32. Tsai, Ming-Tien, &Yati Hsu, 2008, “A Resource-Based Perspective on the Retention Strategies for Epidemiologists in Taiwan” Journal of Advanced Nursing,61(2), pp.188-200, DOI:10.1111/j.1265-2648, (SSCI Journal in Nursing, 2010 JCR)獲列BioMedLib,2008~2011全球醫護管理領域頂尖十大期刊論文(Top 10 Articles),連續排名第一, updated on June 29, 2011)

  33. Tsai, Ming-Tien, & Chun-Chen Huang, 2008, “The Relationship among Ethical Climate Types, Facets of Job Satisfaction, and the Three Components of Organizational commitment: A Study of Nurses in Taiwan” Journal of Business Ethics,2008,pp.565-581,(SSCI Journal in Ethics, 2010 JCR)

  34. Tsai, Ming-Tien, &, Y.C. Huang, 2008, “Exploratory Learning & New Product Performance: The Moderating Role of Cognitive Skills and Environmental Uncertainty” Journal of High Technology Management Research, (EI) (19)2008, pp.83-93

  35. Tsai, Ming-Tien, & Yong-Hui Li, 2007, ”Knowledge Creation Process in New Venture Strategy and Performance” Journal of Business Research,60(2007), pp,371-381 (SSCI Journal in Business, 2010 JCR)

  36. Tsai, Ming-Tien, H. L.Wu, & W.K. Liang, 2006, ”Fuzzy Decision Making for Market Positioning and Developing Strategy for Improving Service Quality in Department Store” Quality & Quantity, pp.303-319(SSCI Journal in Social Science-Interdisciplinary, 2010 JCR)

  37. Tsai, Ming-Tien, &Kuo-Wei, Lee, 2006, ”A Study of Knowledge Internalization from the Perspective of Learning Cycle Theory“ Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. No. 3, pp.57-71(SSCI Journal in Management, Impact Factor = 1.248, 2012 JCR)

  38. Tsai, Ming-Tien, S.W. Hsiao, & W.K. Liang, 2006, ”Using Grey Theory to Develop a Model for Forecasting the Demand for Telecommunications” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences. Vol. 26,(2006) No.3, pp.535-547(EI)

  39. Tsai, Ming-Tien, M.C. Yu, & K.W. Lee, 2006, ”Relationships between Subsidiary Strategic Roles and Organizational Configuration: The Case of Taiwanese Multinational Companies” International Journal of Commerce & Management, Vol.16(1), pp. 3-14(EI)

  40. Tsai, Ming-Tien, Yu, Ming-Chu & Lee, Kuo-wei, 2006, ” Developing  E-Business Systems based on Knowledge Management Process Perspective - A Case Study of Seven-Eleven Japan” The Journal of American Academy of Business, Vol.6, No.1, pp.3-14 (ABI/Inform)(EBSCO) NSC91-2416-H006-038-SSS

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